
I got nominated – Liebster Award

Thank you very much Karyn for nominating me ^^
Go check out her awesome blog -> The Noisy Songbird. Full of poetry and awesome stories!

The Liebster Award is a chain award created by bloggers and passed on from one blogger to another to encourage connections. It is a wonderful, fun way to interact and make friends in the blogging community.

These are the rules:

  1. Thank and link the person who nominated you.
  2. Answer the questions given by the nominator.
  3. Nominate 10 other bloggers.
  4. Create 10 new questions for the nominees to answer.
  5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.

Here are Karyns questions and my answers ^.^:

  1. Why do you write?
    I write because for me it is a form of expressing myself. On my blog my thoughts come alive, I usually say things in my posts that I wouldn’t even dare to say in real life.
  2. What would you be doing right now if your blog didn’t exist?
    I would probably watch Netflix all day. This and probably find the courage to actually start a blog.
  3. Would you rather time travel to the past or future, and why?
    I would rather time travel to the past to visit my younger self. This way I can tell myself that everything will be okay, and that there will be a time where I will be accepted for who I am.
  4. Do your family and friends support your blog?
    I honestly don’t know. I have two friends who also blog who support me, but I don’t even know if the rest reads it, if they do please let me know my dear friends and family haha.
  5. When was the last time you laughed so hard it made you cough?
    I think that was last Tuesday. I was watching a movie, called Fifty Shades of Grey, I don’t even remember why I started to watch it, it isn’t my kind of movie. But I guess I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about and then Jamie Dornan (Mr. Grey) said something that I thought was really funny and I almost choked on my drink.
  6. During an average day, do you smile or frown more?
    It depends on the day really. When I have a good day I smile more, but when I have a bad day I tend to frown more. That’s why I already have wrinkles on my forehead. Says enough I guess.
  7. What inspires you most?
    What inspires me the most. Hmm. I get really inspired by movies or the things that happen around me. Things that make me think and re-evaluate everything I know.
  8. Has a movie ever made you cry? If yes, what movie?
    What movie hasn’t? I cry very fast when things are getting sad. Last movie that made me cry is Big Hero 6. The tears were everywhere.
  9. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
    I don’t specifically collect stuff, but I do buy Harry Potter related stuff. I have three necklaces, a t-shirt and a crewneck so far. I also like to buy some merchandise after I went to a concert. My total is 17/18 shirts/crewnecks. I don’t really know and last time I counted it was around this number.
  10. Who is the most important person in your life?
    I have a few persons in my life that are really important to me and it’s too difficult for me to choose between them. My parents and sisters are really important to me and so is my boyfriend and a few of my friends. Ofcourse my family always come first!

And the 10 blogs that are nominated by me are *drumroll*:

  1. An average everything
  2. The Tragic Life of Frank
  3. talinorfali
  4. Forbidden Jungle
  5. Covered in Beer
  6. Mother Nature
  7. Project Light to Life
  8. monsterlinds
  9. Cristian Mihai
  10. Danielle Patlakh

And here are my ten questions for you:

  1. When did you start writing?
  2. Why should your readers trust you?
  3. When do write for your blog?
  4. If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
  5. How would you like to be remembered?
  6. What kind of blog do you have, according to yourself?
  7. What do you see yourself doing a decade from now?
  8. Do you find yourself to be young at heart or an old soul?
  9. What or who inspires you to write?
  10. Did you like to be nominated ^^

So this was my post about the Liebster Award. I really feel honored to already be nominated, because my blog isn’t that old or viewed that much. So thank you again for nominating me. I will now sashay away and make myself some dinner!

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